Lamda 활용한 Auto Scaling Test Bed 세팅
템플릿 디자인
{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "Architecting on AWS v5.2 Lab 3 - Working With Auto Scaling ", "Parameters": { "VPCCIDR": { "Description": "CIDR Block", "Type": "String", "Default": "", "AllowedValues": [ "" ] }, "PublicSubnetCIDR": { "Description": "Public Subnet", "Type": "String", "Default": "", "AllowedValues": [ "" ] }, "KeyName": { "Type": "String", "Description": "Keyname for the keypair that Qwiklab will use to launch EC2 instances", "Default": "default-lab-key" } }, "Mappings": { "AmazonLinuxAMI": { "us-east-1": { "AMI": "ami-c58c1dd3" }, "us-east-2": { "AMI": "ami-4191b524" }, "us-west-1": { "AMI": "ami-7a85a01a" }, "us-west-2": { "AMI": "ami-4836a428" }, "ca-central-1": { "AMI": "ami-0bd66a6f" }, "eu-west-1": { "AMI": "ami-01ccc867" }, "eu-west-2": { "AMI": "ami-b6daced2" }, "eu-central-1": { "AMI": "ami-b968bad6" }, "sa-east-1": { "AMI": "ami-37cfad5b" }, "ap-southeast-1": { "AMI": "ami-fc5ae39f" }, "ap-southeast-2": { "AMI": "ami-162c2575" }, "ap-south-1": { "AMI": "ami-52c7b43d" }, "ap-northeast-1": { "AMI": "ami-923d12f5" }, "ap-northeast-2": { "AMI": "ami-9d15c7f3" } } }, "Resources": { "VPC": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC", "Properties": { "CidrBlock": { "Ref": "VPCCIDR" }, "EnableDnsSupport": "true", "EnableDnsHostnames": "true", "Tags": [ { "Key": "VPC", "Value": "Lab VPC" }, { "Key": "Name", "Value": "Lab VPC" } ] } }, "InternetGateway": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway", "DependsOn": "VPC" }, "AttachGateway": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment", "DependsOn": [ "VPC", "InternetGateway" ], "Properties": { "VpcId": { "Ref": "VPC" }, "InternetGatewayId": { "Ref": "InternetGateway" } } }, "PublicSubnet": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet", "DependsOn": "AttachGateway", "Properties": { "VpcId": { "Ref": "VPC" }, "CidrBlock": { "Ref": "PublicSubnetCIDR" }, "AvailabilityZone": { "Fn::Select": [ "0", { "Fn::GetAZs": "" } ] }, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "Public Subnet" } ] } }, "PublicRouteTable": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::RouteTable", "DependsOn": [ "VPC", "AttachGateway" ], "Properties": { "VpcId": { "Ref": "VPC" }, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "Public Route Table" } ] } }, "PublicRoute": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Route", "DependsOn": [ "PublicRouteTable", "AttachGateway" ], "Properties": { "RouteTableId": { "Ref": "PublicRouteTable" }, "DestinationCidrBlock": "", "GatewayId": { "Ref": "InternetGateway" } } }, "PublicSubnetRouteTableAssociation": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation", "DependsOn": [ "PublicRouteTable", "PublicSubnet", "AttachGateway" ], "Properties": { "SubnetId": { "Ref": "PublicSubnet" }, "RouteTableId": { "Ref": "PublicRouteTable" } } }, "WebServerSecurityGroup": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "DependsOn": "AttachGateway", "Properties": { "GroupDescription": "Security Group for Web server", "VpcId": { "Ref": "VPC" }, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "WebServerSecurityGroup" }, { "Key": "InstanceType", "Value": "General" } ], "SecurityGroupEgress": [ { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": "0", "ToPort": "65535", "CidrIp": "" }, { "IpProtocol": "udp", "FromPort": "0", "ToPort": "65535", "CidrIp": "" } ], "SecurityGroupIngress": [ { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": "22", "ToPort": "22", "CidrIp": "" }, { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": "80", "ToPort": "80", "CidrIp": "" } ] } }, "AsgRole": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ] } ] }, "Path": "/", "Policies": [ { "PolicyName": "root", "PolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "*", "Resource": "*" } ] } } ] } }, "AsgInstanceProfile": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile", "DependsOn": "AsgRole", "Properties": { "Path": "/", "Roles": [ { "Ref": "AsgRole" } ] } }, "AsgLaunchConfig": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "Properties": { "ImageId": { "Fn::FindInMap": [ "AmazonLinuxAMI", { "Ref": "AWS::Region" }, "AMI" ] }, "AssociatePublicIpAddress": "true", "SecurityGroups": [ { "Ref": "WebServerSecurityGroup" } ], "InstanceType": "t2.small", "IamInstanceProfile": { "Ref": "AsgInstanceProfile" }, "BlockDeviceMappings": [ { "DeviceName": "/dev/sdk", "Ebs": { "VolumeType": "gp2", "VolumeSize": "10" } } ], "KeyName": { "Ref": "KeyName" } } }, "AppAutoScalingGroup": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup", "DependsOn": "AsgLaunchConfig", "Properties": { "VPCZoneIdentifier": [ { "Ref": "PublicSubnet" } ], "LaunchConfigurationName": { "Ref": "AsgLaunchConfig" }, "AvailabilityZones": [ { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "PublicSubnet", "AvailabilityZone" ] } ], "MinSize": "1", "MaxSize": "3", "LoadBalancerNames": [ { "Ref": "AppLoadBalancer" } ], "Tags": [ { "Key": "AsgConfigured", "Value": "Yes", "PropagateAtLaunch": "true" }, { "Key": "Name", "Value": "AsgAutoScalingGroup", "PropagateAtLaunch": "false" } ] } }, "AppLoadBalancer": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer", "Properties": { "Listeners": [ { "LoadBalancerPort": "80", "InstancePort": "80", "Protocol": "HTTP" } ], "SecurityGroups": [ { "Ref": "WebServerSecurityGroup" } ], "Subnets": [ { "Ref": "PublicSubnet" } ], "HealthCheck": { "Target": "HTTP:80/index.php", "HealthyThreshold": "3", "UnhealthyThreshold": "5", "Interval": "30", "Timeout": "5" } } } }, "Outputs": { "AppAutoScalingGroupName": { "Description": "Name of the Auto Scaling group", "Value": { "Ref": "AppAutoScalingGroup" } } } } |
템플릿 디자인
데이터베이스 스키마 최적화 (0) | 2019.08.29 |
Redshift 정렬 (0) | 2019.08.29 |
AWS Redshift 데이터 분산 방식 (0) | 2019.08.29 |
Redshift 스키마 설계 (0) | 2019.08.29 |
Redshift Cluster 구성- Day1 (0) | 2019.08.28 |
댓글 영역